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Wednesday 19 February 2014

Miley Cyrus reitet nun die Wurst

Am Wochenende fand der Auftakt zu Miley Cyrus' "Bangerz"-Tour statt - obskur und ziemlich nackt.
Am letzten Wochenende fanden in Kanada und den USA die ersten Shows der "Bangerz"-Tour von Miley Cyrus, die sie am 10. Juni auch in die Wiener Stadthalle führen wird, statt. Dass so eine Show nicht nur von den musikalischen Fähigkeiten der 21-Jährigen getragen wird, versteht sich fast von selbst.
Und so enterte sie am Freitag in Vancouver, Kanada, auch zum ersten Mal die "Bangerz"-Bühne. Durch den Mund einer überdimensionalen Miley. Natürlich über eine ebenfalls überdimensionale Zunge. Weiter gings mit jeder Menge nackter Haut und noch mehr Obskuritäten. Einer der skurrilsten Höhepunkte war ein Ritt auf einem Riesen-Hot-Dog, im gelben Federkostüm. Und ja, auch ihre eigene Zunge kam fast schon inflationär zum Einsatz.

Wie spart man 95% bei einem iPhone 5C oder iPhone 5S?

Die Revue Conso untersucht diesen neuen Trend.
Emma führt eine Untersuchung zu den neuen Shopping-Tendenzen im Internet durch. Wie Sie sicher bemerkt haben, ist in Europa und Nordamerika eine neue Entwicklung in Gang. Es entstehen spezielle Internet-Auktionsseiten für Artikel aus Lagerbeständen. Überall kann man in Foren und Blogs Geschichten glücklicher Gewinner lesen, die phantastische, normalerweise äußerst teure Artikel, zu einem Bruchteil des Originalpreises erworben haben. Wir waren jedoch von diesen Geschichten nicht zu 100% überzeugt und haben deshalb beschlossen, Überprüfungen durchzuführen. So wollen wir sicherstellen, dass auf solchen Auktionsseiten Restbestands-Artikel tatsächlich sehr günstig erworben werden können. Bei Nachforschungen dieser Art ist es immer am besten, selbst aktiv zu sein.
Ich wollte einen neues iPad 2 von Apple erwerben und habe mich deshalb zu diesem Test bereit erklärt.
Zunächst habe ich stundenlang im Internet zu diesem Thema gesucht, um herauszufinden, welche dieser Auktionsseiten für Restbestände am zuverlässigsten und somit am besten für meinen Test geeignet war. Letztlich fiel meine Wahl auf Swoggi, da das umfangreiche Artikelangebot sowie der ausgezeichnete Ruf mir besonders auffielen. Im Prinzip müssen Sie auf solchen Seiten Einsätze kaufen, um bei den Online-Auktionen die Angebote anderer Benutzer überbieten zu können. Falls Sie gewinnen, können Sie von einem sehr interessanten Preisnachlass auf den jeweiligen Artikel profitieren. Bei Swoggi lief gerade eine zeitlich begrenzte Werbeaktion, bei welcher für jede neue Einschreibung 50 Gratis-Einsätze gewährt wurden. Für mein Testvorhaben war dies ideal, da ich nun über die nötigen Einsätze verfügte, um die Auktionsseite im Detail prüfen zu können. Zweck dieser Werbeaktion ist es, Swoggi ins Gespräch zu bringen und den Leuten den Beweis dafür zu erbringen, dass sie bei solchen Versteigerungen von Restbeständen sehr viel Geld sparen können.

Doch wie kann Swoggi solch günstige Preise anbieten?
Die auf Swoggi angebotenen Artikel stammen aus Geschäftsschließungen, ersteigerten Lagerbeständen und Konkursverfahren. Nur durch Nutzung solcher Bezugsquellen sind deutlich unter den üblichen Verkaufspreisen liegende Angebote möglich.

Was kann man auf solchen Auktionen ersteigern?
Ich habe eine ganze Reihe von Produkten gesehen – von Mobiltelefonen bis hin zu Desktop- und Laptop-Computern, Fernsehgeräten, Fotoapparaten und Stereoanlagen, war alles vertreten, was das Herz begehrt.

Swoggi auf dem Prüfstand
Nach einfacher Anmeldung habe ich von Swoggi meine Gratis-Einsätze erhalten und konnte versuchen die bei der Auktion angebotenen Artikel zu ersteigern. Vor der Einschreibung konnte ich nicht ganz nachvollziehen, wie diese Webseite funktioniert. Nachdem ich mein Konto eröffnet hatte, wurde mir jedoch alles klar.
Ich begann auf einen Artikel zu bieten, der mit gefiel, einen Fernseher der Marke Samsung mit einem 132-Zoll-LED-Bildschirm. Zu meiner großen Überraschung konnte ich ihn nach kurzem Bieten ersteigern. Ich erhielt dieses 899€ teure HD-Fernsehgerät für nur 67,50€!
Um sicherzustellen, dass dies kein Glücksfall war, versuchte ich noch einen anderen Artikel zu erwerben und war sehr überrascht erneut zu gewinnen. Diesmal habe ich noch größere Preisvorteile erzielt! Ich zahlte letztlich nur 163€ für ein MacBook Pro im Wert von 1.699€ und war sehr beeindruckt! Es ist sicher unmöglich, einen herkömmlichen Laden zu finden, in dem man ähnliche Geschäfte machen kan.
Nachdem ich die Artikel erfolgreich ersteigert und bezahlt hatte, erfolgte der Versand innerhalb weniger Tage. Ich musste wirklich nicht lange auf meine Käufe warten, was mich wirklich beeindruckt hat. Es war einfach umwerfend.
Insgesamt bin ich rundum zufrieden und begeistert.
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Meine Erfahrung bei Swoggi war letztlich sehr positiv. Einsparungen von 95% auf den Verkaufspreis schienen mir lange nicht realisierbar, doch jetzt weiß ich, wie so etwas möglich ist! 

So einfach ist das!
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Erzog Satanskult Miranda Barbour zur Massenmörderin?

Erzog Satanskult Miranda Barbour zur Massenmörderin?

Ein Fall einer möglichen Massenmörderin aus einem Satanskult schockt die USA.

Miranda Barbour (19) gestand bereits den Mord an Troy LaFerrara (42) in Sunbury (Pennsylvania), den sie über den Internetdienst "Craigslist" zu einem Sex-Treffen lockte. Sie stach dann 20 Mal mit einem Messer auf ihn ein, ihr Mann Elytte Barbour (22) hielt ihn nieder. Das Opfer röchelte noch, als sie herumfuhren und nach einer geeigneten Abladestelle suchten.

Der Teenager hatte zuerst angegeben, der Mann hätte sie begrapscht. Doch am Ende gestand das Paar: Sie mordeten einfach so, “nur zum Spass”.

Doch jetzt weitet sich der Craigslist-Mord möglicherweise zu einem der bizarrsten Krimis seit langem aus. Denn in einem Interview mit der Zeitung "The Daily Item" packte sie über weitere Morde in Alaska, Texas, North Carolina und Kalifornien aus. „Bei 22 hörte ich auf zu zählen“, behauptete Barbour.

Die Lebensgeschichte des Teenagers aus dem 2210-Enwohner-Nest North Pole (Alaska) mutet an wie ein einziger Horror: Mit vier wurde sie von ihrem Onkel sexuell belästigt, der dafür  eine Haftstrafe absetzt. Mit 14 trat sie einem satanischen Kult bei. Der Führer ermordete in einer dunklen Gasse vor ihren Augen einen Mann, legte dann die Pistole in ihre Hand. Sie feuerten gemeinsam. „Denn mordete ich alleine einfach weiter…“, erzählte die junge Frau der Zeitung über die Mordserie in mehreren US-Staaten. Sie wisse genau, wer die Opfer sind, sagte sie, könnte der Polizei auch ein Karte zeichnen. Die Kripo in Pennsylvania nimmt die Behauptungen ernst und kooperiert mit "Detectives" aus anderen US-Staaten.

Der Kult habe an ihr auch eine amateurhafte Abtreibung vorgenommen, als sie mit Pillen betäubt an ein Bett gefesselt war, erzählte sie. 2011 zog sie nach North Carolina. Sie hat einen Sohn mit einem Mann,der verstorben ist. Auch dieser Fall wurdeunterdessen in die Morduntersuchungen aufgenommen.

Barbour weigerte sich, den Kult-Führer zu identifizieren. Im Ort North Pole trafen unterdessen Reporter ein, um über den Sensationsfall zu berichten.
Mehr von unserem US-Korrespondenten Herbert Bauernebel finden Sie hier

Sunday 16 February 2014

DSCHUNGELKÖNIGIN MELANIE Jetzt ist sie auch noch (H)Eis-Prinzessin

Dschungel-Star Melanie Müller machte auch im Schnee eine gute Figur
Nach dem Dschungel ab in den Schnee: Melanie Müller (25) war definitiv der heißeste Schneehase bei der diesjährigen Nacktrodel-WM! Die taffe Königin, die im RTL-Dschungelcamp vor allem wegen ihrer Schluck-Techniken bewundert wurde, errutschte sich am Samstag einen tollen 3. Platz.
Am Airport Cochstedt bei Magdeburg rodelte Melanie wie Gott sie schuf: Im Gummireifen und nur bekleidet mit einem Slip ging es eine 50 Meter lange Piste hinunter.
Melanie Müller
Hauptsache wenig an – so das Motto des Nackedei-Events. Melli präsentierte sich zunächst mit Felljäckchen, gerutscht wurde aber schlussendlich oben ohne und im knappem Höschen. Am meisten wärmte da vermutlich der schwarze Helm.
Für den Sieg reichte es am Ende nicht. Melanie Müller wurde stolze Dritte – war aber die heißeste Schneekönigin auf der Piste!
Gewonnen hat die 24-jährige Anika Lengsfeld aus Burg.
Melanie Müller
Barbusig rodelte sie zu Bronze

Fans in Sorge um Lena MAGER-Landrut

Lena Meyer-Landrut
Lena Meyer Landrut wird immer dünner. Links ist sie 2010 zu sehen, die beiden aktuellen Bilder (r.) zeigen die erschlankte Sängerin
Was ist bloß mit unserer „Lovely Lena“ los? Die Sängerin ist ganz schön dünn geworden. Bei einem Fototermin zur neuen Staffel von „The Voice Kids“, bei der Lena Meyer-Landrut (22) in der Jury sitzt, fiel am Samstag nicht nur ihre neue Frisur auf.
Lena trägt jetzt Pony – aber gefühlt auch mindestens eine Kleidergröße kleiner. Dünne Ärmchen. Rippen, auf denen man Klavier spielen kann. Gut möglich, dass Lena einfach nur viel Sport macht, sich gesund ernährt. Trotzdem sorgt ihre zierliche Figur für Aufregung
Lena Meyer-Landrut
Lena Meyer-Landrut beim Fototermin für „The Voice Kids“. Sie sieht erschreckend mager aus
Schon seit einiger Zeit postet die Sängerin, die von Stefan Raab entdeckt wurde und 2010 für Deutschland den „Eurovision Song Contest“ gewann, Bauchfrei-Bilder. Der dünner gewordene Taille und das schmale Gesicht von Lena fallen auf.
Auf Twitter und Instagram stellt Lena mehrmals wöchentlich Schnappschüsse aus ihrem Leben online, die leider teilweise Grund zur Sorge bieten.
Lena Meyer-Landrut
Magerwahn? Noch vor einem halben Jahr sagte Lena in einem RTL-Interview: „Es ist einfach so etwas Absurdes, was meiner Meinung nach jeder sehen kann, das es nicht wahr ist“
Zugegeben, wirklich dick war Lena nie. Auch nicht 2010, als sie mit dem Song „Satellite“ den Eurovision Song Contest gewann und sich in unsere Herzen sang. Aber damals hatte sie eine gesunde Figur, kleine Pausbacken, brachte deutlich mehr Kilos auf die Waage.
Lena Meyer-LandrutLena Meyer-Landrut
Links: Lena 2010, so haben wir sie kennengelernt. Rechts: Die Sängerin bei einem Konzert im Sommer 2013
Lena Meyer-LandrutLena Meyer-Landrut
Mittlerweile hat Lena deutlich im Gesicht und am Bauch abgenommen
► „Grauenvoll....die Haare sind dicker als sie....“, so Janina über Lenas neue Frisur, die auf den ersten Blick wie eine Perücke aussieht.
► „Meine persönliche Meinung: So was kommt mir NICHT vor meine Kamera! Da weigere ich mich. Das ist, wenn überhaupt, ein sehr schlechtes Vorbild“, meint Tom.

NSA Drone Attacks Not What You Think: Scahill

MTV VMAs Recap: What You Missed, From Miley to Gaga

Craigslist Killer Miranda Barbour: I’ve Killed More Than 22 People

Could it be true? In a new interview from jail, the 19-year-old girl who killed a man she met on Craigslist in November shockingly claimed that she’s killed dozens more as part of her involvement in a satanic cult.

Miranda Barbour Internet HomicideMiranda Barbour, 19, and her husband are already in prison for stabbing Troy LaFerrara, 42, to death after he solicited Miranda for sex via Craigslist in Nov. 2013, but the teen may be guilty of much, much more. In a shocking new interview, Miranda claimed that she’s literally lost count of how many people she’s killed as part of a satanic cult.

Miranda Barbour: I’ve Killed Over 22 People

“When I hit 22, I stopped counting,” Miranda told the Sunbury, Pa. Daily Item in an interview from jail on Feb. 14. “I can pinpoint on a map where you can find them. I remember everything. It’s like watching a movie.” The teen killer says that her murders coincided with her joining a satanic cult based in Alaska at the age of 13.
Speaking of her first alleged kill, Miranda said the cult’s leader helped her pull the trigger and shoot and kill a man who owed the cult money. “And then from there I just continued to kill.”
The deranged killer, who has a young daughter from a past lover, claimed to have bodies buried across the country in California, North Carolina, Texas, and Alaska, where most of the alleged murders took place.
“I would lure these people in,” Miranda seemed to boast. “I studied them. I learned them and even became their friend.” She also added that these victims, “did bad things and didn’t deserve to be here anymore.” Sunbury police were reportedly already aware of Miranda’s claims, and they are looking into them with the help of investigators from other states, as well as the FBI.

Miranda Barbour’s Craigslist Murder

Miranda and her 22-year-old husband, Elytte, are facing the death penalty for stabbing Troy LaFerrara 2o times in what investigators called a “thrill kill” to mark their three-week wedding anniversary.
Miranda lured Troy in on Craigslist, posting an ad offering “companionship.” Troy and Miranda met in a parking lot of a shopping mall in Sunbury. Elytte hid under a blanket in the backseat of Miranda’s car, and after receiving a signal from her, he jumped up and wrapped a cord around Troy’s neck, prosecutors said according to the New York Daily News. Miranda then stabbed him 20 times and dumped his body in an alley.
After initially claiming that she stabbed Troy because he molested her, Miranda admitted to the killing in her interview from jail, saying he “said the wrong things and then things got out of control.”
– Andrew Gruttadaro

Charlie Sheen Engaged to Brett Rossi

Charlie Sheen Engaged to Brett RossiSure, he's been down this road before – three times to be exact. 

But Charlie Sheen could not be a happier man. The Anger Management star proposed to his girlfriend Brett Rossi on Saturday, his publicist Jeff Ballard confirms to PEOPLE. 

Sheen, 48, took Rossi, an adult film star, to Hawaii for a Valentine's Day weekend getaway to pop the question. 

This will be the fourth wedding for Sheen, whose brief first marriage, to Donna Peele, ended in an annulment, and who is divorcedfrom Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller

Sheen gave PEOPLE this exclusive statement in the quirky fashion his millions of Twitter followers have come to embrace, referring to Rossi by her nickname "Scottie." 

"With all due respect to Donna –
that maiden Klay-Vinn was annulled.
if "three"
truly is a charm;
The mashup/acronym 
of the real CS,
(Charlie & Scottie)
HAS to be;

No date has been set for the wedding to Rossi, who spoke of the engagement in more conventional terms. 

"Yes! We are engaged! He even was a gentleman and got down on one knee," she tells E!. "I was not expecting it at all. We had a beautiful Valentine's Day and he proposed to me early this morning after we watched the sun rise. 

"The ring is classic and beautiful, but I don't have any photos to share just yet. This is the happiest moment of both our lives. He's my best friend and my soulmate."

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Bashar Asad of Syria Massacre Images

Bashar Asad of Syria Massacre Images

These photos were taken by the military Bashar al-Assad. Syria massacre images, Prime Minister Esat massacre, Bashar Asad is killing the people, Bashar Asad torture images, syria torture images, the world of these images are silent, syria, war, war pictures, syria death, Bashar Asad killed people.
The Syrian people are dying, death images, syria,

Caterham-bossen: Prestera annars lägger vi ned

Caterham-chefen Tony Fernandes säger att han kommer att dra sig ur Formel 1 om stallet inte gör bättre ifrån sig i år. ”Så är det. Det här är sista chansen”, säger han till Autosport.

Caterham-bossen: Prestera annars lägger vi ned - Formel 1
Marcus Ericsson är klar för Formel 1 som förste svensk på 23 år, men det sker inte helt utan press. Stallet han kommer till, Caterham, är det näst sämsta i Formel 1 och måste börja röra sig uppåt i resultatlistorna i år för att det ska bli någon fortsättning överhuvudtaget.
- Min hälsning till alla 250 personer här (på fabriken) är att vi måste gå för det i år.
- Så är det. Det här är sista chansen. Vi har gett er den bästa infrastrukturen, de mest lovande förarna, men nu handlar det om er och ni måste göra det, säger Caterhams ägare Tony Fernandes enligt
Caterham har fem säsonger bakom sig i serien men har fortfarande plockat en enda poäng. Fernandes har inget särskilt resultatmål men kräver ändå förbättring.
- Om vi är längst bak så kommer jag nog inte att fortsätta. Inget är hugget i sten men efter fem år utan poäng finns det en gräns för ens tålamod, pengar och motivation så det är ett viktigt år.
Enligt Autosport kommer Fernandes sannolikt att försöka sälja verksamheten eller lägga ned den helt om inte resultaten vänder den här säsongen.

Inner Loop reopens | images

WASHINGTON - All lanes of the Inner Loop of the Capital Beltway at U.S. 50/John Hanson Highway, in Prince George's County, have reopened after a fatal accident.
Maryland State Police tell WTOP that shortly after 3 a.m. a person was fleeing the scene of a separate crash when that person was struck by a car and killed.
WTOP's Nick Iannelli who was on the Inner Loop when it was completely closed described it as a "parking lot."

View image on Twitter

Saturday 18 January 2014

Hamburg brennt! | Merkel resign | Hamburg British? stirred.

Why the world is silent on these atrocities?
Why CNN does not show the live broadcast?
Why the U.S. is silent where?
Merkel why not resign?
Press this news not appear?
Where are the journalists who lost?
How many people died in the conflict?
hamburg support to activists.
Why is not the wishes of activists?
democratic countries, where?
England yi confusing why Germany?

Tuesday 14 January 2014

NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film - A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA's archives

This compilation includes many of my favorite NASA UFO encounters/sightings that I have archived over the years. All of these examples (with the exception of the second-to-last one) were captured on film by NASA astronauts or Russian Cosmonauts over the past half-century - showing many amazing examples from different eras - Gemini, Apollo, Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, Skylab, STS, the ISS, plus a couple Russian-source additions from their unmanned Zond and Mir Space Station programs as well thrown in to round things out.

The second last example is the only one in the compilation that features footage that was not taken in space and is not official-source (NASA or Soviet/Russian Space Agency). That clip shows an LTP (Lunar Transient Phenomenon) event captured through a camera connected to the eyepiece of a terrestrial-based telescope that luckily was being focused on the Moon at the time. In this case, the LTP manifests as an object transiting across the face of the lunar disc. Many thanks to amateur astronomer Alberto Mayer of Italy for doing a wonderful job of filming this stunning event (and for stacking the footage for us all to see). 

While the examples you will see here captured on film can all be "officially" classified as "unidentified" objects, that absolutely does NOT mean that NASA, the DoD, and certain elements within the scientific community worldwide are completely in the dark as to what these things you are seeing are. Make no mistake: The Powers That Be are indeed aware of far more about our mysterious Universe than they are ever willing to admit to us. We, the plebeian masses of this planet, are being held in a state of enforced ignorance, deemed not worthy of knowing the full truth by those who are REALLY "running the show" down here on Earth. As this video shows over and over again however, there are indeed snippets of that amazing truth that have been left scattered about the official government archives over the decades, there for us to find so we may begin to educate ourselves about what is the most monumental coverup in human history - where the only thing more incredible than the lies is the truth!

Also, be sure to check out Jose Escamilla's new motion picture documentary "MOON RISING", where we go into much further depth about what is, without exaggeration, the most monumental coverup in human history. You have NO idea what you have been missing!

Nazi Death Camps (Video)

Extermination camps (or death camps) were camps during World War II (1939–45) built primarily but not exclusively by Nazi Germany to systematically kill millions of people by execution (primarily by gassing) and extreme work under starvation conditions. While there were victims from many groups, Jews were the main Nazi targets. This genocide of the Jewish people was the Third Reich's "Final Solution to the Jewish question".[1] The Nazi attempts at Jewish genocide are collectively known as the Holocaust.[2]
While not on the same scale as that prosecuted by the Nazis, the fascist Ustaše forces of the Independent State of Croatia also operated extermination camps.

The Nazis used the euphemism Endlösung der Judenfrage (Final Solution of the Jewish Question) to describe their systematic killing of Europe's Jews, which Nazi leaders likely decided during the first half of 1941. The initial, formal killings of the Final Solution were undertaken by the SS Einsatzgruppen (Task Forces) death squads who followed the Wehrmacht during the Operation Barbarossa invasion of the USSR in June 1941.
The Nazis distinguished between extermination camps and concentration camps.
The terms extermination camp (Vernichtungslager) and death camp (Todeslager) are interchangeable usages, each referring to camps whose primary function was genocide, not for punishing crime or containing political prisoners, but for the systematic killing of the prisoners delivered there. The Nazis did not expect the majority of prisoners taken to the BelzecSobibor or Treblinka extermination camps to survive more than a few hours beyond arrival.[3] The first extermination camps were under the direct command of SS–Polizei-führer Globocnik, and operated by SS Police battalions andTrawnikis – volunteers from Eastern Europe.
These differed from concentration camps, such as Dachau and Belsen, which were initially prison camps for people defined as socially or politically undesirable in Nazi society. The SS-Totenkopfverbände managed the Nazi concentration camps such as Dachau and Ravensbrück. As early as September 1942, Dr. Johann Paul Kremer, M.D., an SS physician, witnessed a gassing of prisoners, and in his diary wrote: "They don't call Auschwitz the camp of annihilation [das Lager der Vernichtung] for nothing!"[4] The distinction was evident during the Nuremberg trials, when Dieter Wisliceny (a deputy to Adolf Eichmann) was asked to name the extermination camps, and he identified Auschwitz and Majdanek as such. Then, when asked "How do you classify the camps MauthausenDachau, and Buchenwald?" he replied, "They were normal concentration camps, from the point of view of the department of Eichmann."[5]
Extermination camps are distinguished from the Arbeitslager (forced labor camps) established in German-occupied countries to use the prisoners, including prisoners of war, as slave labor. In most camps (excepting PoW camps for the non-Soviet soldiers and certain labor camps), the high death rates resulted from executionstarvation,diseaseexhaustion, and physical brutality.

When the Nazis began to establish separate camps specifically for mass extermination, this was not a coordinated strategy. That changed with the Wannsee Conference chaired by Reinhard Heydrich in January 1942 in which the principle was made clear that the Jews of Europe were to be exterminated. Responsibility for the logistics were to be executed by the administrator, Adolf Eichmann.
In 1942, the Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler ordered the Lublin District SS- und Polizeiführer Odilo Globocnik to build the first extermination camps during "The Final Solution" (1941–43), the operation to annihilate every Jew in the General Government (occupied Poland). Initially, the victims' corpses were buried in mass graves, but later were cremated. After Russian forces began to advance, previously buried victims were also exhumed and burned in Sonderaktion 1005, a Nazi attempt to destroy evidence of the Holocaust.

No bond for theater shooting suspect Curtis Reeves

DADE CITY, Fla. - UPDATE:  A Pasco County judge on Tuesday denied bond for Wesley Chapel theater shooting suspect and former Tampa Police captain Curtis Reeves, Jr.
Circuit Judge Lynn Tepper said the defense can make its case for setting bond before another judge at a later date.

A large group of family, friends and colleagues attended the first appearance hearing to show support for Reeves, who was not present in the room.  He appeared via video link from the Land O' Lakes Jail.
Reeves is charged with 2nd degree murder.
PREVIOUS: Reeves is accused of shooting a man and his wife in a Wesley Chapel movie theater Monday afternoon.
Deputies say Reeves shot another moviegoer during an argument over texting before a movie at the Cobb Theatres at Grove 16 shopping center.
Reeves, 71, retired from the Tampa Police Department in 1993 as a captain, according to Tampa police. Reeves was instrumental in establishing the department's first Tactical Response Team, police said. His son, Mathew Reeves, is now a Tampa police officer and has been with the department since 2003.
After retiring from the police department, Curtis Reeves worked at Busch Gardens until 2005 as the Director of Security, according to Busch Gardens Tampa, but no further information was available about his employment with the park.
Reeves moved to Hernando County several years ago where he served as a board member for the Hernando County Crime Stoppers program, but he is no longer active with the organization.
The ABC Action News I-Team also discovered Reeves was a hunter, with hunting licenses in Ohio and Georgia dating back to 2001.
Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said Reeves and his wife were sitting behind Chad Oulson and his wife, Nicole, in the Cobb CineBistro movie theater when Reeves asked Oulson to stop texting before the movie. The argument escalated and that's when Reeves pulled out a handgun and shot Chad Oulson in the chest, according to Nocco. Oulson's wife tried to shield her husband from the shot, but the bullet went through her hand. 
Chad Oulson, 43, died shortly after and his wife was treated for her hand injury.
"I just can't imagine," said Elnora Brown. "I can't imagine what happened that he would do that."
Brown has been a family friend of Reeves for the past 45 years. She described him as a good Christian man and a loving grandfather. 
"I thought it just can't be. He's just not that kind of person," Brown said. 
The sentiment echoed down the Brooksville street where Reeves and his family has lived for years. 
"Curtis is a good guy. He's always been very nice to my wife, myself, "said Reeves's next door neighbor Bill Costas. "Personally, I'm very shocked."
"You just never know what's going to happen anymore. The world is getting more and more evil." said neighbor Joann Spence.

10.01.14 Fight 4 your Right Hamburg DangerZone Klobürste Gefahreninseln Riotparty

Monday 13 January 2014

Dozens of police injured as eviction protest turns violent in Hamburg

Warum nicht resigniert merkel???

We are watching with concern the events. demonstrators' rights should be given immediately.
Hamburg residents have clashed with police in what is the most violent protest in years, with scores injured, after more than 7,000 took to the streets to protest plans to evict squatters from an old theater building, which is a leftist cultural center.

Police and protesters give conflicting figures, putting the number of participants anywhere from 7,000 to 10,000 people, with more than 100 policemen and a yet unspecified number of protesters injured in Saturday’s civil unrest.
Police said that some 4,000 of the protesters were from extreme left-wing groups. The violence involved stone and bottle-throwing, firecrackers and smoke bombs. Police responded with pepper spray and water cannon.
What eventually led to an explosion in violence was caused by the sale of the left-wing Rote Flora cultural center by local authorities to a developer. Some squatters have been occupying the premises for 20 years now.
Overview shows German police as they block protesters on a cross road following clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013.(Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)
Overview shows German police as they block protesters on a cross road following clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013.(Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)

It is said that an escalation took place soon after the beginning of the event in the afternoon, when some protesters started attacking police officers, although the atmosphere at the start was more peaceful and even festive, with confetti everywhere, as well as families seen with children.

All the while, the thousands of protesters shouted that “the city belongs to everyone,” one of their main slogans.
But as the rally in front of the Rote Flora got going, police showed up to clear away people with batons and a water cannon, their spokesman telling Deutsche Welle that “there was a mood of aggression from the outset,” adding that “we came under serious attack. It has become more violent than anything we have experienced in a long time.”

“Through the overwhelming use of batons, pepper spray and water cannon, there were numerous injuries,”said the organizers.
German police is attacked with fireworks during clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013. (Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)
German police is attacked with fireworks during clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013. (Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)

Those suspected of being the initial trouble-makers have been arrested – there were over 20 detentions on suspicion of breaching the peace.

The streets afterwards showed signs of much chaos, with police cars smashed along with various buildings, including the office of the Social Democrat party. There were broken glass fragments and road signs having been folded over as well as stones literally torn from the pavement to be used as weapons.
A German riot police officer uses his baton during clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013.(Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)
A German riot police officer uses his baton during clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013.(Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)

Zeit Online has reported, citing a non-government organization, that about 500 protesters being injured, 20 of them seriously. However, this information cannot be independently verified.
The cultural center’s squatting history dates back to 1989, when the Schanzenviertel area’s Rote Flora center was first occupied. Since then, its reputation as the central point for leftist rallying has been further cemented.

But the public anger itself had also to do with the wider issue of migrant and refugee rights, including those of the squatters at a run-down apartment block in Hamburg’s Reeperbahn area – also the city’s red-light district, which contains the so-called Esso Houses. The buildings, also often home to Germany’s Lampedusa refugees, were evacuated last weekend because of their poor condition.

After the initial chaos at the Rote Flora had subsided, the crowds migrated toward the Reeperbahn, where they were chased around the streets by the police.
Protesters hold up a banner during clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013. (Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)
Protesters hold up a banner during clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013. (Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)

German police use water cannons to clear a street following clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013.(Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)
German police use water cannons to clear a street following clashes in front of the 'Rote Flora' cultural centre during a demonstration in Hamburg, December 21, 2013.(Reuters / Morris Mac Matzen)

War of words in liberal Hamburg after protesters clash with police

Tension high as police stop and search hundreds of activists in 'danger zone' around Reeperbahn after December violence


Hamburg's reputation as a liberal city where police, punks and prostitutes happily co-exist has taken a heavy knock after a succession of violent clashes resulted in police taking the unprecedented step of declaring a large area around the Reeperbahn a "danger zone".
Hundreds have been stopped and searched after clashes between police and protesters at the end of December. The protesters – some demonstrating against gentrification, others pursuing an anarchist agenda – said they were kettled, pepper-sprayed and attacked with batons. Police said they were pelted with rocks, firecrackers and pavement slabs.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper reported "scenes reminiscent of a civil war". The US embassy issued warnings to American citizens travelling to the city.
The danger zone has since been reduced to three "danger islands", but not before 190 people were banned from the area, 65 detained and five arrested.
Much of the controversy centres on events at the Davidwache police station, a 100-year-old institution beloved by many in the city, where Paul McCartney spent a night after being arrested for arson in 1960.
Ulrich Wagner, the officer in charge of the area around the Reeperbahn, blamed "an unprecedented attitude of violence against the state and police" among leftwing activists. A line was crossed when three of his officers were targeted by a group of up to 40 hooded attackers outside the station, he said, with one policeman suffering a broken jaw.
Since the attack, even the more seasoned leftist radicals in the area had privately distanced themselves from a younger, less political generation mainly bent on violence and confrontation, Wagner told the Guardian.
Down the road at the Rote Flora cultural centre, which has been the focus of leftwing activism in Hamburg since it was first squatted in 1989, Klaus Alfijesky and Lotta Kalweit accused the police of provoking the clashes with months of aggressive controls in the area.
They said reports of the attack on the Davidwache had been skewed to demonise the left. Initial reports suggested the attack took place inside the police station itself.
Some witnesses have claimed the attackers were drunken football hooligans without a political motive. "The police is blatantly spreading lies about the incident, and it has political motives for doing so," Kalweit said.
Hamburg used to be seen as a Social Democrat stronghold. In 2001 the SPD lost its grip on power – partly, some commentators felt, because it seemed too soft on security issues. Though the Social Democrats are back in charge of the city, many accuse the mayor, Olaf Scholz, of being too traumatised by the previous defeat to establish a more lenient line. The law that allowed the police to establish the danger zone was introduced during conservative rule in 2005 and remains untouched.
But many feel the real reason for tensions in Hamburg has been obscured by the recent war of words. The demonstrations before Christmas also included large groups of activists from Recht auf Stadt, an umbrella group opposing gentrification.
"Hamburg is a good example of a city that has gradually lost its industrial status, and is now desperately trying to compete with Berlin for wealthy mobile professionals", said Christoph Twickel, a local journalist active in the movement.
One reason Hamburg citizens took to the streets in the first place, he said, was the fear that their city may go the way of London or Paris, with low earners pushed to the edges of the city. "In the industrial age, clashes between the privileged few and the disadvantaged took place around the factories. Now, those battles are fought over access to our inner cities."
Shortly before start of the uprisings, local authorities ordered the eviction of the Esso buildings on the Reeperbahn, a former social housing block occupied mainly by elderly people and those on low incomes. Some accuse the city of looking on as the owner allowed the building to decay until it was close to collapse – "a classic gentrification tactic", said the activist Steffen Jörg.
Surprisingly, perhaps, their sentiments were echoed within the Davidwache. "Yes, I can understand that people are worried about the area losing its charm," Wagner said. "I love St Pauli, it's an area with a social conscience." For now, he can count himself lucky: his police station is one of the few listed buildings on the Reeperbahn.